Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Sales Letter Chapter 4

  • Sell Bulk
  • Price Paid to Develop
  • Parts Worth More Than the Whole
  • Conceal the Price
  • more likely to avoid pain than to
    get gain
  • Problem-Agitation-Solution
  • see the hearse backed up to the door
  • triggering emotional responses


No B.S. Price

Sell Bulk

If you are selling an information
product like books, courses, or
subscriptions, remember that one way to
convey bulk is with a list of the 1,001
(or some other huge, specific number)
pieces of information contained in your

we might list every
vitamin and mineral provided by the
apple, then list every health benefit
delivered by each of those vitamins and
minerals. We might then show the huge
bulk of other foods you’d have to
consume to get those same nutrients and
benefits — all to turn that little apple
into a huge “bulk” of benefits and value.

Discuss the Price Paid to
Develop the Offer
Is this relevant to the consumer? Maybe
not, but that doesn’t prevent you from
making it relevant.

expense was spared

With over $3 million
worth of research

as reliable as God’s sunrise.
Make the Parts Worth More
Than the Whole

it’s all added up it is much, much more
than the price of the whole unit.

its core
concept is the building of very high
value, then offering a substantial

Conceal the Price
“Just three small monthly installments of
$11.95 charged to your credit card.”
The typical doctor saves
thousands of dollars with our
Full-Service System Concept for
practice promotion and
management. Consider the value
of everything you get as a System

Each two-day Seminar focuses
on a different aspect of practice

If you sought out
individually offered seminars
covering these same topic areas,
you would pay at least $995.00
to as much as $1,995.00 for each
one. So this is at least a
$4975.00 value.

we are able to
get higher prices by disguising them in

The higher-
priced item has a lower monthly
payment than the lower-priced item —
and 72 percent of his buyers opted for
this lower monthly payment choice!
understand that people are
more likely to act to avoid pain than to
get gain,

It may be the most reliable
sales formula ever invented.

The first step is to define the
customer’s problem.

a good sales letter avoids
assuming knowledge on the part of the

the letter sets forth the
problem in clear, straightforward terms.
You need to say here only enough to
elicit agreement.

Once the problem is established,
clearly and factually, it’s time to inject
emotion. This second step is agitation.

That means we stir up the letter
recipients’ emotional responses to the
problem. We tap their anger, resentment,
guilt, embarrassment, fear — any and
every applicable negative emotion. We
want to whip them into a fervor! We
want to make the problem larger than
life, worse than death.

to sell life
insurance or cemetery plots, you have to
make your customer see the hearse
backed up to the door. That may sound a
little grisly, but it’s true.

but if you insist on just wearing any old
pair of ordinary shoes, here’s what you
have to look forward to in your so-
called golden years: fallen arches …
intense lower back pain …
extraordinary discomfort in golf or
tennis shoes … even pain from just
walking around a shopping mall! You’ll
be asking your friends to slow down so
you can keep up. You’ll be futilely
soaking your feet at night like some old
fuddy-duddy. You may even need pain
pills just to get to sleep.

After you’ve clearly stated the
problem and after you’ve created
tremendous agitation about the problem,
you should have readers mentally
wringing their hands, pacing the room,
saying: “This has got to stop! I’ve got to
do something about this! What can I do
about this? If only there were an
answer!” And that’s right where you
want them!

It’s at that point, that crucial moment,
that you whip out the solution. The third
step is to unveil the solution, the answer
— your product or services and the
accompanying benefits.

“The two keys to unlimited media
attention and publicity are being
predictive and being provocative.”

good, solid, time-tested sales/sales letter
strategies do not wear out or become
obsolete. What worked in a sales letter
in 1950 will still work in 2050, with
only slight language modification. This
is, in fact, one of the advantages of sales
letters — as assets, they can have much
more sustainable value than other kinds
of media assets
according to the Social Security

5 percent successful, 95 percent

works. People understand it. It creates
fear — fear of being in the 95 percent
group. It creates motivation —
motivation to be in the 5 percent group.

last spring, two neighbors reseeded
their lawns. Now it’s June. One has a
beautiful, lush, thick green lawn. As
perfect as the best golf course in the
country. A lawn to be proud of. His
neighbor, though, has a different lawn.
With little brown patches. Uneven
texture. Crabgrass and weeds fighting
for territory.
What made the difference?
It’s very important to recognize that
none of this copy has to do with either
investment or insurance products or
financial services. It is all about the
reader and her interests and concerns.
The copy is also not factual or
analytical, but is very emotional.
Connecting with people via ads, sales
letters, or any other means is best done
by triggering emotional responses.

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