Optimal Selling Strategy

The Most Important Thing to Know in Business

**How do I bring in a new customer cost effectively**


**how to acquire the customer for cheaper than the lifetime value of the customer**


Optimal Selling Strategy


since you don’t know this, you have to experiment –  test, test, test


the secret is usually counter-intuitive


80% of your time every day, should be spent on this task..


dont waste time or money on corporate marketing until you are at least a 7 figure business..

you are not branding or selling your “company”, you’re only interested in selling your “product” ,   at ROI.. then you scale, and this is how you grow your business


Once you hit 7 figures (Stage 2) .. then you need to become an idea factory.. and get new ideas onto the market ASAP.. knock off your winning product with a new updated one before your competitors do – challenge becomes productivity and innovation


4 foundational things – The four basic moves that comprise a launch


#1 Product – what kind of product can we sell to create a new customer that will be valuable to us

  • each market has its own type (investment is newsletters, biz-op is reports and webinars

#2 Price (Offer) – in our market, what must they pay to have a good lifetime value?

  • price (offer) , terms (cash, installments, charge) guarantee, premiums


#3 Copy – advertising copy used to attract and persuade


#4 Media – where are you going to place your ads?


*- You are looking for a “breakthrough” product – not one that starts off mediocre..

*- You start by selling a tripwire

*- Dont be a pioneer, Copy your competitions product and price.. imitate, but be clever…

*- try to make the offer a little better.. maybe stronger guarantee, maybe more premiums..

*- dont mess around with the pricing too much.. and don’t try and reinvent the product entirely..

*- dont try and reinvent the delivery system when you’re starting off.. will reduce your chances..

*- the real challenge is in the media placement and the Copy (borrow as much as you can)


Every business needs 4 things :


  1.  manager
  2.  creator
  3.  sales
  4.  someone who “gets things done”


Just keep trying new promotions for this basic product

  • may want to tinker with the product a little bit
  • don’t tinker too much with the offer (price)
  • learn everything you can about the medium
  • just keep testing until you find the winner!
  • it only takes one winner to make up for all the losers


Be Aggressive and Daring from the get go.. you are fighting against time, money, and patience..


Stage one – controlling resources and investigating ways to find the secret way to bring in new customers that nobody told you about


Stage 2 – production machine of new ideas – knock off your breakthrough – dimensionalize

  • must control your legal and cash, delegate the rest , use numbers to control your business since at this stage you are too far removed from new people joining the team for them to understand the real mission


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